Anime reviews

Hello friends,
My name is Ishizaka, and today I would like to share a review of an anime I recently watched and was fascinated  by it. So without further ado the anime name was 
'' Sakeano:How To Raise A Boring Girlfriend '' 
Like a normal rom com it started with a single protagonist in middle of many girls, but how the protagonist never loses his idea is very nice. I would not spoil the show but it has a funny and good story. The story may progress slow but it some shows the real life. It has two seasons and a movie. Watch them in the order where first you complete the series and then the movie. I found it very calming too. That is all for today from my side. If you need to watch it, then go to telegram and join the '' Anime Channel'' and on their it is fully available. See you tomorrow also. Please comment for more anime recommendations.


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