Anime Review

 Hello friends, and welcome back to my blog Reviewers Today and thanks for your support on my blog. Your support encourages me too right many more blogs , again thank you so much.

I would like to also say sorry for not writing it for 2 days ,this is only my mistake so sorry friends . Today I would like to talk about not one but two anime movies which have awesome animation and could leave you somewhat depressed and think about your life properly . I would suggest both of them ,because they are good ,so without further ado ,these anime movies are  

" Your Name " and " A Silent Voice

After watching these two anime movies I felt literally bad because i too have been made fun off because of having different tastes in things and made fun of others on same or different things. But after watching  " A Silent VoiceI felt bad . If you have bullied anyone or have been bullied you may feel that your life has a heavy burden on itself and if you regret it now you can only do two things , One is too move on and the other one is confront that person . I personally know that not every one can have a ending like " A Silent Voice " but It in no sense means you have a right to end your own life , If you may feel any thing troubling you and you just need to talk about it ,when no one else is listening you can talk to me on Instagram and my username is 'tan_ishizaka' I would listen to you ,because when a person speaks his heart out these bad thoughts of suicide or any extreme ones just goes out .

Thanking you once again for reading my blog and supporting me . So know I would like to hear your opinion down in comments section below . Thanking you once again to read my blog .


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